
Choosing the right size implants

Jul 22, 2018 | Breast Surgery

Breast augmentation enhances the appearance of the breasts and is an effective means of creating even proportions, balancing your figure and improving the projection of your breasts.

Choosing the right size is key when it comes to achieving the best possible results. Here’s what you should know about the process.

How do I choose the size of my implants?

When you come in for your consultation, you’ll go through a sizing process with Mr David Morgan. He has a number of trial implants that you can use — this will allow you to experiment with various sizes before deciding on one that looks right for you. “Patients often become obsessed with becoming a certain cup size, but really it’s all about choosing the right size that is proportional for you, and that makes you look the way you want to look,” says Mr Morgan. Once you have had a look at your options, Mr Morgan will help you choose the appropriate implants, and then you can simply buy a bra that fits your decision after your procedure.

What other decisions need to be made about my implants?

After a decision has been made about the size of your implants, there are a number of other decisions that need to be made, all of which Mr Morgan will help and guide you through. Mr Morgan will discuss with you the location of the incision through which the implant will be placed — the most common area is the fold underneath the breast, while other options include the edge of the areola (the pink area around the nipple), and through the armpit.

The next decision to be made together with Mr Morgan is where in the breast your implant will be placed. It may be placed just behind the breast tissue in front of the muscle, or behind both of these layers. Having an implant placed behind the muscle is often beneficial for women who are quite slim or who don’t have a lot of their own natural breast tissue, because the extra padding can help to camouflage the implant and the edge of it is less likely to be visible. For patients who have enough of their own breast tissue, putting the implant in front of the muscle tends to avoid the problem as well.

What style is best?

The final decision to make is whether or not you want to opt for a certain style of implant. The most common style that Mr Morgan currently uses is known as the teardrop or anatomical shaped implant because it tends to provide more control in terms of dimensions than some of the other options. This style allows Mr Morgan to adjust factors like height and width, while still keeping the breasts looking natural and proportional.

Why is size so important?

Choosing the right size implants can be a source of anxiety for a lot of people, but the best bet is to choose a size and style you feel comfortable with, and that suits your body shape and frame. There are a number of different looks available — while some women like an obviously augmented look, others prefer a more natural look or simply want to restore the appearance of breasts that have been affected by childbirth, breastfeeding or the ageing process. The good news is that no matter what size and style you want, all of these looks can be achieved through modern augmentation techniques. “Part of the process of going through the sizing with the trial implants is to see what it is that you want, ” says Mr Morgan. “And I can help guide you in terms of whether the implants will achieve what you’re after or not.”

It’s important to remember that there are some limitations in terms of sizes. In some cases, incorrect sizing can look unnatural and lead to various problems, but Mr Morgan will help you to avoid choosing an implant that is not right for you.

To arrange a consultation with Mr David Morgan, please get in touch!