Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Brighton Melbourne
An abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck) is an operation performed to reduce the bulk of the lower abdomen.
What is an abdominoplasty?
An abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck) is an operation performed to reduce the bulk of the lower abdomen. Mr David Morgan routinely performs the tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure on patients seeking a flat and smooth tummy. This excess tissue is very common after pregnancy, and also after weight loss. Often the muscles of the abdominal wall are lax as well. Abdominoplasty can remove this excess tissue, tighten the abdominal muscles, and recreate a flat tummy and a more defined waist.
What are the benefits of this procedure?
A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can provide a dramatic improvement in the shape of your lower abdomen. In addition, with tightening of the abdominal muscles, this operation can improve abdominal strength and return balance to the core muscles.
This is a common operation, and is often combined with some liposuction to adjacent areas to provide the best result.
Is Mr Morgan experienced in the abdominoplasty procedure?
Mr David Morgan has had many years of experience in performing the abdominoplasty procedure. At your consultation, Mr Morgan will be able to show you before and after photos of his own patients, many of who will likely have had the same concerns about their abdomen as you.

How is it performed?
It is performed under general anaesthetic and requires a stay in hospital for a few days afterwards. You should allow three weeks away from work, and should avoid heavy lifting for approximately six weeks.
The most common concern with this operation is the length and placement of the scar. Every effort is made to allow optimum wound healing and to keep the scar hidden beneath normal clothing and swimwear. These details will be discussed with you at your initial consultation.
The wounds are all closed with dissolving sutures and are covered with waterproof dressings, allowing you to shower as soon as you feel comfortable. You will be asked to wear a compression garment for support and comfort during the first few weeks.

How long will I need to recover after the abdominoplasty procedure?
Everyone will experience an anaesthetic or recover from an operation differently. Although uncommon, complications can also occur and result in a longer recovery time.
A compression garment will need to be worn day and night for at least 2 weeks post-operatively to provide support for the healing abdomen and to minimize swelling and bruising. The garment is usually worn for a further week or more to assist with recovery. Light activity is encouraged as soon as possible, and most patients will return to normal daily activities within three weeks. More strenuous physical activity should be limited for at least 6 weeks.
All surgical procedures carry risks.
Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
Cosmetic surgery is real surgery, and will most often require a general anaesthetic. All surgery will require a period of recovery before returning to normal activity. Although uncommon, complications can and do occur, and may affect the final result of your surgery. The potential risks will be discussed fully during your consultations, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions about the various risks in your particular circumstance. Risks may include poor quality scarring, excessive bruising and swelling, infection, bleeding, pain, asymmetry, nerve injury, anaesthetic complications, unsatisfactory cosmetic outcomes, the need for further surgery, and permanent disability or death.
As a Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Mr Morgan is appropriately trained and qualified to deal with complications of surgery, including the ability to admit you to hospital, if required.
Who should/should not consider the abdominoplasty procedure?
You should not consider this type of surgery as a response to a personal or professional crisis, or under the encouragement of anyone other than yourself. Any decision to undergo surgery should be for the right reasons. All surgery entails an element of risk, and you should not make any decision regarding surgery during times of stress.
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Melbourne
Being healthy and happy with your decision can help to increase the chances of achieving a satisfactory result with your surgery. Smoking, other medical conditions, and being overweight can make surgery potentially unsafe. These and other risks will be discussed with you at the time of your consultation.
To find out more information about tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), or to book an appointment, please contact us.