Breast augmentation enhances the appearance of the breasts and is an effective means of creating...
Outreach in Tonga: Part Two
Mr David Morgan recently visited Tonga where he helped members of the local community by...
Outreach in Tonga: Part One
Mr David Morgan recently visited Tonga, an island nation in the South Pacific perhaps best known...
What you need to know about breast augmentation
Breast augmentation is a procedure in which the breasts are enlarged with the use of implants....
Your breast surgery questions answered
Mr David Morgan helps to answer common questions about breast augmentation surgery Many women...
The ins and outs of rhinoplasty: What to expect, why to consider it and where to have it done
Are you considering rhinoplasty? Mr David Morgan is one of the foremost practitioners in Melbourne...
What is Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, and am I at risk?
Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) has cropped up in the media...
Rebuilding lives in the Asia Pacific region with Interplast
Mr David Morgan travels to Tonga as part of a volunteer surgical team for Interplast Interplast is...
Beware illegal cosmetic surgery taking places in homes and hotel rooms
We were saddened, but unfortunately not surprised, to hear that a recent investigation has...